The Power of Being Magnetically Memorable in 2025
Do you focus on being memorable when you meet with your clients?
In the world of travel, being positively memorable is everything, especially if we want to turn clients into raving fans. I’ve coined the term ‘Memorable Mindset,’ and I’m here to tell you why it just makes sense for us in the travel industry.
As some of you know, I’m a lifelong learner and love reading self-development books. Whether personal or professional, it’s all the same development to me.
Earlier this year, my daughter and I enjoyed a blissful week in Fiji. As I immersed myself in the pages of various books, a common theme emerged – a concept that I have since coined the ‘Memorable Mindset.’ This mindset, I realised, is not only relevant to personal experiences but also incredibly powerful when working in the world of travel, especially as we navigate the challenges of rebuilding and strengthening our client base after the pandemic.
Here it is: the Memorable Mindset Model. A mindset that’s not about offering memorable holiday experiences—no, this is different. This is about you, the travel professional, and how memorable you are to your client. Will they remember you when they are ready to book again? Do they remember you when a friend asks for a recommendation for a travel agent?
Put simply, are you magnetically memorable?
I’ve just finished reading legendary leadership and personal mastery guru Robin Sharma’s new book, The Wealth Money Can’t Buy. If you haven’t read it, it’s definitely worth your time; you should buy it! In Robin’s recent interview with Kikki.K founder Kristina Karlsson on her podcast “Your Dream Life,” Robin explains, “Self-materialisation is key. The first form of wealth that money can’t buy is growth. The best way to start is to start.”
So let me explain.
The Memorable Mindset Model Unpacked
In our two-hour Memorable Mindset Mastery course, the acronym C.A.R.E.S. helps travel professionals learn how to become magnetically memorable with everyone they interact with. Colleagues, managers, sales representatives, business development managers, industry stakeholders, their partner, kids, school teachers, and, of course, their clients.
So, are you memorable?
Here’s a quick snapshot inside the Memorable Mindset Mastery course.
C = Cultivating Empathy
Cultivating empathy is a fundamental aspect of the Memorable Mindset Model. It involves understanding our clients’ needs, preferences, and aspirations so well that we tailor transactional experiences [and holiday experiences] that exceed expectations and create a lasting memory in the client’s mind.
In one of my favourite books, The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes, it is highlighted that “The most powerful way to increase your value is to help others.” This concept resonates deeply with travel consultants, as it absolutely encapsulates the essence of their roles.
During a recent training session with a group of six travel agents, one person shared a touching story that exemplifies empathy in action. She recounted her experience empathising with parents who were desperate for a stress-free family holiday. Cultivating empathy is this agent’s superpower for sure, but although she was able to perfectly describe everything she did for these clients, as we moved on to the ‘A’ in our C.A.R.E.S. acronym, she quickly realised why maybe some of her quotes hadn’t turned into bookings and why some of her clients hadn’t booked with her ever again.
A = Active Listening
Do you practice active listening, or do you merely hear the customer and then act?
The skill of listening allows us to truly understand our clients’ desires and concerns. By actively listening, we can uncover hidden preferences and offer highly personalised solutions, ensuring that the experiences we create are profoundly meaningful and our service is memorable.
Last year, I delved into Jason Marc Campbell’s book Selling with Love, where he shares, “Active listening is about more than just hearing words; it’s about understanding the emotions and intentions behind those words.” This is the skill we dive deep into. We uncover Jim Kwik’s four tips for active listening and learn how ‘first seek to understand’ is a priority in the consultation process. I love this part of the course. There are so many ‘aha’ moments it gives me chills of joy.
A great example shared in a workshop last month was when planning a retired couple’s holiday, a travel advisor said she had listened attentively as the couple shared their desire for a relaxing yet adventurous holiday. By understanding the language the couple used, the advisor was able to grasp what they truly wanted. I share more on this story in the course, but you’ll be surprised to learn how listening to the clients’ language helped this travel advisor avert a potential holiday disaster. These people definitely chose the right travel agent to book their holiday.
R = Relationship Building
For a travel agent aspiring to transition from ordinary to extraordinary, relationship building is crucial. According to Donald Miller, in his book How to Grow Your Small Business, “The key to thriving in any business lies in the strength of your relationships.”
By fostering genuine connections with clients, travel consultants can transform ‘transactional interactions’ into ‘memorable experiences’. This involves understanding clients’ unique preferences, anticipating their needs, and consistently delivering highly personalised service. Building such relationships not only enhances client loyalty but also encourages referrals, driving sustainable business growth.
This fundamental shift towards valuing and understanding clients deeply, ensuring they feel heard, valued, and remembered, elevates a travel agent’s role, making their service indispensable and truly extraordinary.
If you’re keen to learn more from Donald Miller, his book How to Grow Your Small Business is very clever and highly relatable to anyone working in the travel industry, I won’t spoil the surprise.
E = Emotional Engagement
Emotion plays a significant role in memory formation. Yes, we get a little ‘sciency’ here. In the Memorable Mindset Mastery course, we cover this vital element that truly transforms a travel advisor from ordinary to extraordinary. This is where heartfelt stories, celebrations of milestones, and feeling valued and understood matter. Through emotional engagement, the magic of building a robust network of lifelong clients starts to play out.
In the course, we learn how to use our personal and professional ‘story banks’ to heighten strong emotions, in the part of our clients’ brains that is responsible for memory formation. For those of you who have learned about ‘Story Banks’ from other Travel Trainer courses, you already understand why they are so important and how practical they are in your sales process. ‘Story Banks’ saves travel agents so much time; you’ll love learning about them too!
Truly fascinating stuff and definitely not woo-woo. Emotional enhancement of memory ensures that clients remember the travel advisor’s exceptional service, fostering a lasting impression and increasing the likelihood of repeat business and referrals.
As Donald Miller said, “People don’t buy products; they buy better versions of themselves,” highlighting the importance of emotional connections. Thanks Donald, I love this because it is so true and because once you understand the Memorable Mindset Model, you’ll realise how easy it works!
S = Sincerity
Being sincere builds trust. It is that simple. Where it gets complicated is when the customer doesn’t believe what you are saying because of the way you are saying it. Relatable language matters. Relatable language turns a customer into a lifelong client.
And when your language aligns, open communication fosters trust, and clients are more likely to share their true desires, concerns, their ‘real’ budget, and their honest opinion about the products and services you are offering them.
Trust also reduces anxiety and uncertainty. Trust is the cornerstone of your Memorable Mindset.
In the travel industry, building trust with clients is essential. Clients need to trust that you will deliver on your promises.
A travel advisor who consistently demonstrates reliability, transparency, and integrity not only enhances client satisfaction but also builds long-term loyalty and encourages referrals, essential for the sustained growth of any travel business.
Becoming Memorable
As we rebuild and strengthen our client base after the pandemic, cultivating a Memorable Mindset is more important than ever.
By embracing empathy, practicing active listening, building relationships, creating emotional connections, and fostering trust through sincerity, we can create lasting impressions that set us apart.
This is when you really know you have made the shift from being an ordinary travel professional to being an extraordinary one.
With a Memorable Mindset, anything is possible.
Find out more about Memorable Mindset Mastery here or by emailing
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Author: Sonja Leicester, The Travel Trainer, updated January 2025